How to apply

The BSLA program runs from July – November, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to apply early, and no later than Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

Step one: Gather required information and materials

Before you start the BSLA application, make sure you have the following required components on hand:

  • An unofficial electronic copy of your high school transcript
  • Your GPA
  • Your class rank
  • Only if you've taken or plan to take the ACT or SAT: your test score or intended test date

Step two: Complete the BSLA Application

  1. Start the application

    Answer all questions on the BSLA application completely.

  2. Upload your transcript in Word or PDF format

    You must have an unofficial electronic copy of your high school transcript on hand and ready to submit. It should include your senior schedule, if available.

    Note: If you don't have a senior schedule yet, you should still submit your unofficial transcript. If you're accepted into the cohort, we'll ask that you submit your senior schedule when you have it.

  3. List and describe your activities

    Activities include the ways you spend your time in and outside of school (e.g., clubs, community service, jobs, etc.). For each activity, include:

    • Name of activity
    • Brief description of activity (academic, community service, dance, etc.)
    • When you were involved
    • Your specific contribution or role
  4. Submit the application

    Submit your application as early as you can and no later than Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

    If you have questions about BSLA or the application, please contact us at

After you apply

Applicants will receive a decision by the end of April 2025. If you are offered an opportunity to attend, you will be required to confirm your acceptance by the date indicated on your email invitation, and to have your parent or guardian sign an electronic DocuSign permission form; this form will be sent to the parent or guardian listed on your application.

Additional program information


The program is free to participants!


Participants are responsible for their travel to and from the one-day, on-campus kickoff session.


Contact us at for more information.