Graduate and Professional Admissions

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Prerequisite Coursework Evaluation
The College of Dentistry prerequisite courses at Ohio University.

Applicants for admission to the College of Dentistry at The Ohio State University must meet the course requirements listed below. These requirements can be satisfied by courses taken at the university listed above as indicated, when completed with the grade of C or better. In some cases, there may not be a published equivalence for a prerequisite course listed. In these cases, please click on the Contact Transfer Credit Coordinator link to find the transfer credit coordinator who can best assist you.

The information provided below is derived from transfer credit equivalencies available on the Transferology website (, a course equivalency tool utilized by Ohio State and many other universities. This does not imply transfer credit equivalencies and is not intended to provide a guarantee that these university courses will subsequently be evaluated as equivalent to specific Ohio State courses. Rather, completion of these courses will satisfy the program prerequisites and thereby insure that the applicant has the academic preparation for advanced study in the professional program.

Please note that these courses have previously been determined as an exact equivalent(s) for the prerequisites identified below. There may be alternate course options which are not recognized as transferrable but can be used to fulfill a prerequisite. You can contact the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions ( for questions on courses not listed below.

Course at Ohio State Course at Ohio University
2nd Writing Course Any Composition course beyond freshman English Composition
ANATOMY 2300.04 or ANATOMY 3300 or EEOB 2510 BIOS1300, BIOS1310 or BIOS3010, BIOS3015 = EEOB 2510
BIOLOGY 1113, BIOLOGY 1114 BIOS1700 or BIOS1700, BIOS1705 or BIOS1700, BIOS1705, BIOS1710, BIOS1715 = BIOLOGY 1113
BIOS1700, BIOS1705, BIOS1710, BIOS1715 or BIOS1710 or BIOS1710, BIOS1715 = BIOLOGY 1114
CHEM 1210, CHEM 1220 CHEM1510, CHEM1520
CHEM 2510, CHEM 2520 CHEM3050, CHEM3060, CHEM3080, CHEM3090
EEOB 2520 or PHYSIO 3200 BIOS1300, BIOS1310 or BIOS3450 or BIOS3450, BIOS3455
ENGLISH 1110.01 ENG 1510 or ENG 1610
MICRBIO 4000 BIOS2010 or BIOS3210 or BIOS3220, BIOS3225
PHYSICS 1200 PHYS2001 or PHYS2001, PHYS2002

Revised: February 2024

Courses completed at a community college:   Dentistry requires a GPA of 3.0

In cases where Anatomy and Physiology are offered in a combined sequence course, both courses are required in order for credit to be awarded. For these courses Ohio State will award credit for EEOB 2510 (anatomy) and EEOB 2520 (physiology)

An applicant must complete a minimum of 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours including prerequisite courses at an accredited four-year college or university. It is noted that two-year and three-year applicants are rarely admitted. It is favorable that dental students enter the college with a baccalaureate degree. There is no preferred major for admission into the College of Dentistry. Applicants should have earned at least a B average in the required courses to be considered.

**Dentistry does NOT accept any international work to fulfill prerequisites.**

This evaluation is valid for the current application cycle only. Evaluated courses and the transferability of these courses can change, at any time, due to course content and re-evaluation. After this date, it may be necessary to contact the Admissions Office for course or program changes. If you have any questions, please contact: Graduate and Professional Admissions at:

Graduate and Professional Admissions
Student Academic Services Building, 1st Floor
281 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1132

Thank you for your interest in Ohio State!