The College of Pharmacy, Entry Level Pharm D
prerequisite courses at
Rhodes State College.
* Rhodes State College was formerly James A. Rhodes State College.
Applicants for admission to the College of Pharmacy at The Ohio State University must meet the course requirements listed below. These requirements can be satisfied by courses taken as indicated, when completed with the grade of C or better. In some cases, there may not be a published equivalence for a prerequisite course listed. In these cases, please click on the Contact Transfer Credit Coordinator link to find the transfer credit coordinator who can best assist you.
The information provided below is derived from transfer credit equivalencies available on the Transferology website (, a course equivalency tool utilized by Ohio State and many other universities. This does not imply transfer credit equivalencies and is not intended to provide a guarantee that these university courses will subsequently be evaluated as equivalent to specific Ohio State courses. Rather, completion of these courses will satisfy the program prerequisites and thereby insure that the applicant has the academic preparation for advanced study in the professional program.
Please note that these courses have previously been determined as an exact equivalent(s) for the prerequisites identified below. There may be alternate course options which are not recognized as transferrable but can be used to fulfill a prerequisite. You can contact the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions ( for questions on courses not listed below.
Course at Ohio State
Course at Rhodes State College