Graduate and Professional Admissions

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Prerequisite Coursework Evaluation
The College of Veterinary Medicine prerequisite courses at University of Toledo.

Applicants for admission to the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University must complete the required prerequisites courses listed below for the Veterinary Medicine program. The requirements can be satisfied by courses taken as indicated, when completed with a minimum grade of C or better. In some cases, there may not be a published equivalence for a prerequisite course listed below. In these cases, please click on the Contact Transfer Credit Coordinator link to find the transfer credit coordinator who can best assist you.

The information provided below is derived from transfer credit equivalencies available on the Transferology website (, a course equivalency tool utilized by Ohio State and many other universities. Please note that pre-applicants to the College Of Veterinary Medicine program should reference and regularly review the College's website ( for details of admission requirements, including the appropriate completion of prerequisite coursework.

Please note that these courses have previously been determined as an exact equivalent(s) for the prerequisites identified below. There may be alternate course options which are not recognized as transferrable but can be used to fulfill a prerequisite. You can contact the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions ( for questions on courses not listed below.

Course at Ohio State Course at University of Toledo
ANIMSCI 3140 or EEOB 2520 or PHYSIO 3200 KINE2460, KINE2470, KINE2560, KINE2570=EEOB 2520
BIOCHEM 4511 Contact Departmental Transfer Credit Coordinator
COMM 2110 or COMM 2131 COMM2600 = COMM 2110
Humanities/Social Science Electives (16 semesters) Includes, but not limited to: History, economics, anthropology, psychology, art, music, literature, languages, writing, and ethics.
MICRBIO 4000 Contact Departmental Transfer Credit Coordinator
Science Electives(35 semester hours) Includes, but not limited to: Biology, chemistry, anatomy, immunology, cell biology, molecular genetics, animal science, ecology, environmental science or other science courses.

Revised: February 2024

Courses completed at a community college:   The College of Veterinary Medicine requires an overall GPA of 3.0.

You can find additional information at If you have additional questions, please email at or call (614) 292-1171.

Ten Year Course Work Rule: If any science prerequisites are older than ten years, the applicant must either report course work in that specific area or submit convincing evidence of current mastery in the appropriate science to the Admissions Committee. The applicant must prove they have current experience to show they have maintained knowledge in the field.

Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physiology and Communication- must be completed with (1) a grade of C or better in each course, (2) a minimum 3.0 (B) average among the courses, and (3) no more than one C among any of the capstone courses.

If any of the capstone courses are taken as a multiple-part series, this rule will apply to each part as an individual course.

All of the prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the Spring term preceding the Autumn term when you would start vet school. (you do not have to have all of the prerequisites completed before applying.)

Courses that were previously required as prerequisites, but will not be required in our new set of prerequisites, can still be used towards the 35 hours required for the science electives. (e.g. physics, general biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry. molecular genetics.)

If you have received more than one C in your capstone courses, or if the average for the courses is below a 3.0, this will need to be rectified by the 2015-2016 admissions cycle. (prerequisites will be verified after the conclusion of the spring term before you start vet school, so courses can be retaken in the autumn or spring term after you apply.)

This evaluation is valid for the current application cycle only. Evaluated courses and the transferability of these courses can change, at any time, due to course content and re-evaluation. After this date, it may be necessary to contact the Admissions Office for course or program changes. If you have any questions, please contact: Graduate and Professional Admissions at:

Graduate and Professional Admissions
Student Academic Services Building, 1st Floor
281 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1132

Thank you for your interest in Ohio State!