Buckeye Student Leadership Academy

The Buckeye Student Leadership Academy is hosted by Undergraduate Admissions at The Ohio State University. The program combines a one-day kickoff conference on Ohio State's Columbus campus with monthly virtual sessions.

The 2025 BSLA application is openapply by March 15!

July – November 2025

Do you want to learn more about the expectations of college life and discover your leadership style?

Then Ohio State's Buckeye Student Leadership Academy might be for you!

BSLA is a special program for high-achieving rising seniors from Ohio high schools who are first-generation or attend rural or urban high schools. Students apply for the program during their junior year.

The program gives participants the opportunity to learn more about themselves and others, and how to make the college experience work for them. They will learn about resources that support their success and consider how their leadership style can positively contribute to their college experience.

Participants will also:

  • Attend personal development workshops
  • Meet with faculty and staff
  • Interact with Ohio State students
  • Participate in sample classes
  • Hear about the admissions process and how to afford a college education

Learn who is eligible Learn how to apply

Additional program information


The program is free to participants!


Participants are responsible for their travel to and from the one-day, on-campus kickoff session.


Contact us at bsla@osu.edu for more information.